
I'm Leonardo, a software engineer with background in cybersecurity, web development and data science.

For the past 4 years, I've been developing projects doing pretty much anything I find interesting: from Assembly and low-level performance tuning to data science and web development.

More recently, I've been growing a huge interest in distributed systems and networking. I've written a paper describing the QUIC protocol from a programmer's perspective (inspired by CSAPP's approach) and I've also experimented with a simplified implementation of the Chord protocol using gRPC, a Python library to decode AirPods battery information from BLE advertisements (not open source yet) and other distributed systems stuff, like a replication protocol based on primary local copy (also using gRPC).

I've just earned my Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), and I'm currently working as a Software Engineer while also acting as the Head of Research and Development at GRIS, an undergraduate research group focused on information security.